Friday, April 17, 2009

Some Celebrities Should Shut Their Big Yappers!!!

You know, sometimes I wish all celebrities would just keep there opinions to themselves. I like to watch movies and t.v, and I have my favorite actors and actresses. I know that a good chunk of celebrities have someone liberal views, or at least the ones they talk about it, but when they say things like "Let's be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It's not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea party was about. They don't know their history at all. It's about hating a black man in the White House."

Just let that simmer for a moment...

Do you want to know how said that?

Do you really?

Janeane Garofalo!! Ms. Garofalo thinks that just because I want lower taxes, and less government spending, that means I'm a racist. It is Ms. Garofalo who doesn't know what the Boston Tea Party was about. Granted, the colonists who were outraged did dump tea in the Boston Harbor, but it wasn't because the tea tasted bad, no, it was because the British government started to tax the tea, and the colonists believed that it was their constitutional right to only be taxed by their elected representatives.

Let me give you the back story on what Ms. Garofalo is talking about. This past Wednesday, April 15Th, across America were these Tax Day Tea Parties in which hundreds of thousands of concerned Americans protested the outrageous taxes they were paying, along with the irresponsible government spending that was taking place. Most of these tea parties went on with out a hitch and where very peaceful protests. Ms. Garofalo didn't like the fact that the concerned Americans were finally speaking their minds, and telling the government that enough is enough. So instead of taking it for what is was, she went on MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" and began to spit out nonsense. Here are some of her quotes...

"This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that." Janeane Garofalo

She also went on the describe the brain size of the typical "right-winger, Republican or conservative or your average white power activist."

"Their synapses are misfiring. ... It is a neurological problem we are dealing with."

Ms. Garofalo also went on to bash the GOP, saying it has "crystallized into the white power movement" as well as Fox News, which she said has captured the "Klan demo[graphic]."

"Who else is Fox talking to? Urban older white guys and their girlfriends who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome."

This gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. I USED to respect Janeane Garofalo, I thought she was a funny actress. My favorite movie of hers is "Wet Hot American Summer." This filth that oozed from her mouth just sickens me. Where does she get these ideas? Oh I know, it must be from all that pot she smoked back in the day, it must of killed one too many brain cells. Or she is your typical celebrity liberal who doesn't do any research, and just because they're on t.v or in movies their opinion matters. Well you know what? All celebrities' opinions don't matter!! I mean half the time they don't even know what they're talking about, much like Ms. Garofalo. They spent too much time studying how to be a actor that they didn't even read a history book, or a math book, or any other book for that matter.

Ms. Garofalo needs to do a little research on what the Boston Tea Party was about, not what she thinks its about. She so stupid she probably thinks that the Bostonians dumped tea in the Harbor because it wasn't Caffeine free. The colonists were protesting the taxation of the tea!! Sound familiar Ms. Garofalo? I believe something very familiar went on this past Wednesday, oh yeah, the fricken Tax Day Tea Parties!!!
I need to take a break, all these idiots who I like to watch in movies and on t.v drive me nuts...
I'm glad that most of the celebrities I do really like, don't make it known what their political views are. I mean its ok for them to like President Obama, and other democrats, that's fine, just don't start saying things without any proof, or way to back them up. It makes you look and sound stupid. Not only that, some of your biggest fans will stop respecting you, and may even stop spending the $8-$10 on movie tickets to watch your movies, or stop watching your shows. Please stick to acting. If you do have something to say about politics, or even your fans, keep it to yourself. I know its hard to believe but people like me pay the movie studios who pay you. So if you bad mouth your fans, like Ms. Garofalo did ( she now is on the Fox show "24" and their biggest demographic is men 18-45 who lean republican), they may stop watching and thus making you no money and losing you job, and potentially stopping you from getting work. Besides, the average fan could care less about your political views or your opinions on anything. If you absolutely have to say something, write a book, which probably won't sell, because we just don't care.
One more thing, Ms. Garofalo, put down the weed the next time you have something to say, and do some research on the Boston Tea Party, because it is YOU who doesn't know what it was all about.